This time, the person in charge of a company in Malaysia, like many customers of SaiYue Technology's custom charger manufacturers, also found us through the Internet. This customer is a customer with strict requirements for products. After learning about SaiYue Technology's products on the Internet, he soon came to our factory in person and decided to conduct an on-site inspection of the production process. We have always been very welcome for on-site inspections, because we believe that as long as they come to our factory, most of them can be sold. This is because we have full confidence in ourselves!
In the factory, the person in charge focused on understanding our car chargers, from the production process to product raw materials, through a careful understanding, the customer decided on the spot to customize a batch of car chargers at the charger manufacturer SaiYue Technology , a contract was signed so quickly!
SaiYue Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the production of chargers/adapters with various specifications and standards of large and small power and peripheral supporting electronic products. The company has a strong R&D technical team, stable productivity and scientific production management capabilities, which can well cooperate with customers quickly. Stable research and development and delivery of products, speed to seize the market.